Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Bout: Its fucking difficult to like som1, and knowing its impossible to have anything with her; but still one dreams

Fog, fog, dark thick smog,
So much effort to swim,
To your lighthouse, to my dream.

What hides behind your smile?
What light plays in your eye?
What does your honeyed tongue really speak?

I have fallen, yes fallen,
Or maybe risen, yes risen,
Into sweet myth; love.

Know not if you mirror, or you mock,
If you want a medal, or a heart.

Tell me that your worlds held inside me, with your eyes,
Tell me that you're bey'nd scope, interest; with your words.

There is a sparrow at my window,
He tells me he wants to soar like the eagle,
To glide like the hawk,
I tell him, little sparrow,
Thine hearts' too great for thine being;
Shed ornated dreams and twitter around my house,
Twitter around my house.

My friend told me, young man,
Thine hearts' too great for thine being;
Shed ornated dreams and look to another
look to another.

Your lips speak one thing,
Your eyes another.
Your tones whisper of great expectations,
Your words deny all.

I am a fool, for I do love,
The Eagle and the Hawk,
Her flight does inspire my little wings,
To beat to float in the skies,
Yet her calls mock.

To fly to the sky,
tis self annialation, yes, yes!
but stop myself i cannot.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont stop, love your writing

10:33 AM  

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